Food Import Compliance Agreement ( FICA ) for importers of Food products

Importers subject to imported food Inspections may be eligible to apply for what essentially is an accreditation scheme to reduce the number of inspection if you meet the requirement of the Food Import Compliance Agreement ( FICA ) .

Food importers can enter into a Food Import Compliance Agreement (FICA) with us. These agreements are made under section 35A of the Imported Food Control Act 1992.

Many food importers have documented food safety management systems for sourcing and importing safe food.

Under a FICA, we recognize these systems as an alternative to the inspection and testing of food imports under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme.


Entering into a FICA allows you to:

  • manage the clearance of your own food imports
  • reduce your importing timeframes and costs.


You won’t have to book or pay for an imported food inspection under a FICA. Instead, we monitor your compliance with requirements by regularly auditing your system. You can choose to have all the food you import under a FICA or just certain types of food.

All goods imported into Australia must meet biosecurity requirements. This includes food imported under a FICA. Check the Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON).

Further information can be found in the link below and the attachments

To apply for this you will need to complete the attached application form and be subject to an audit

For full details please see the attachment.

Application to enter into a food import compliance agreement.pdf

Food Import Compliance Agreement Document.pdf

Food Compliance Audit Document .docx